Affiliated member
He researches the political and economic ramifications of decisions made within the energy industry, exploring their global impact, especially in geopolitics and communication. His research focuses on decision-making entities in the lithium sector in Chile and the global energy market, analysing the consequences of decisions made in this evolving landscape. He also investigates the range of decision-making entities involved in the lithium industry in Chile and the international energy market.
He focuses his research on examining communication tactics used by those in positions of power, particularly in areas where political and business influence is evident. This entails analysing international gatherings of politicians and business executives, along with monitoring local interactions within parliamentary committees that centre on mining and environmental issues.
Daniel Flores is an anthropologist with a Master's in Political Science from the University of Chile and a PhD in Humanities from the University of Leiden. He also holds specialised diplomas in Geographic Information Systems and Discourse Analysis. With a background as a member of the Human Development Reports and the Local Development Area at the United Nations Development Programme, he has also consulted for various United Nations agencies, including UNICEF and the UN System. He previously served as director at the Chilean Institute of Municipal Studies at the Autonomous University of Chile and as Technical Secretary for the Rural Human Development Report. With extensive teaching experience in Anthropology and Public Policies at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels across multiple universities, his expertise lies in analysing and evaluating public policies, regional and local development, governance, local risk management, and political communication.
Previous publications
Flores, D., Enríquez, M (2023) Las condiciones de la democracia en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: soberanía, bienestar material y tiempo. Revista Estado y Políticas Públicas, 21, FLACSO-Argentina.
Flores, D., Delamaza, G., Salas, R., & Thezá, M. (2018). Nosotros, los otros y la ética de vivir juntos. Revista Espacios, 39(14). (SCOPUS)
Thezá, M., Flores, D., & Gac, D. (2017). Reforma Agraria en Chile ¿Palimpsesto de otra ruralidad? Reflexiones y propuestas. Polis. Revista Latinoamericana, 47. (SCIELO).