December 13, 2023 | Category: Keynote Speaker
Cristobal Bonelli
Cristobal Bonelli presented the Keynote “Repensar la electromovilidad: Baterías, descarbonización y reducción de omisiones en los mundos de litio” at Coloquios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad. (Rethinking electromobility: Batteries, decarbonisation and reduction of omissions in Lithium worlds.) The event was organized by the Centro de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CECTS), at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile.
The colloquiums are an initiative of the Center for the Studies in Science, Technology and Society (CECTS) of Alberto Hurtado University, which aim to disseminate research that addresses the complex interactions between science, technology and society.